Monday, July 13, 2009

Memories from Ingrid's first bookclub night

Hi gals ,
remember when we went to Ingrid's and she had just put some beautiful new carpet down... and the bottle of red managed to overbalance... who was that gal with the exuberant arm gestures !!! Lucky we had a few resourceful gals who knew some handy hints for housewives!!!


  1. Love all the drama and action in these photos....especially the phone a friend scenes from the Cambbell sisters. Sorry I had the euology for my Grandma to perform, or could have been in this melodrama as well. Luv Denise

  2. On 15/07/2009, at 9:59 AM, Anna Wallace wrote:

    I cant believe that my greatest achievement in book club - apart from being the actual spiller of the red wine on Ingrid's new white carpet - my pick of "Incendiary" by Chris Cleave, was omitted from the Blog reading list!
    Tried to snoop around to adjust but blogs are still new territory.
    Administrators please adjust.
    Love Anna

    Yes there are many injustices in the Salon.....Janet, if you can find any more archives that Ingrid has sent you about nights she has hosted, please post on Blog or send them to me, as John has emptied Ingrid's sent box and she has no record .....
    Luv Denisex
